Tuesday, February 12, 2008


"The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in it's various forms".
I Peter 4:7-10

I am very weary physically today. After Aaron awoke from his nap I put the little ones in the car to drive over to drop off a gift for my dear friend Madeline. We weren't planning to stay, just drop off the Valentine's. She asked if I would bring the boys in for a short visit which is just what my soul needed.

Upon our entrance in to her home she offered the boys toys to play with and something to eat. They had a drink, graham cracker and then Liam asked for bread. Madeline, the loving and patient lady that she is not only said of course, but asked if he would like to have it toasted and topped with something. The boys didn't want to leave her home and we both noted their level of joy and comfort in her home. It is amazing how intuitive children are (mine are newly three and almost five).

Upon leaving I realized that I arrived to bless her with a gift and it was I who received the blessing. Madeline has a way of doing that.


Lord, as I go about my daily tasks please give me the wisdom to know when to reach out to others and take the time for them that is needed. Just as I was blessed by Madeline taking time out of her day for me and my sons may I in turn do the same for others.


1. Has someone ever called you or arrived at your door and you focus on what you feel you should be doing or were doing (I know that I have). Make a decision that today you will focus on spending your time with purpose on hospitality to others.

2. Is there someone that could be blessed by you calling them today to let them know you care?

3. Sometimes we feel that we can't open up our home to others as it may not be as elegant in design or spacious as others we have visited. God inhabits us and asks that we too will open our heart and home to others. People will be drawn to your love and openness not focusing on the things in the home, but rather your outpouring of love, graciousness and shining light of Christ.


Luke 19 - Read Luke 19 and focus on the response Zacchaeus gave to Jesus when told He was coming to his house. He didn't say, "It isn't clean Jesus", or, "I don't have any fresh food". He came down at once and welcomed him gladly (Luke 19:6 NIV).

Matthew 22:39

*Note photograph of me and Madeline was taken in December 2007*