Thursday, February 21, 2008

Poem by Beverly

I received the poem below today from a dear lady who I have the privilege of knowing. She wrote it and it touched me deeply so I wanted to post it today:

Here I Am

I come into your life to share it ---
ALL of it.

Every accomplishment,
every disappointment,
every relationship,
every challenge,
every hangnail,
every mood,
every joy,
every sorrow,
every pain,
every need,
every event,
every thought.

I am in you and you in Me;
I share your every breath and fear,
movement and hope,
rest and dream.

Hold still for just long enough . . .
Pause quiet as often as you can . . .
Break free . . . and sense Me there.

I have EVERYTHING you need.
I long to discuss ALL of your life with you ---
not just the big things,
but your continual thoughts about everything.

Being human isn’t easy . . .
. . . I know.

But each action and reaction,
thought and feeling,
bring opportunity to learn, expand, and grow.

When you feel overwhelmed,
as pressure, and life itself grow heavy,
talk with Me. . .
cry with Me. . .
laugh with Me.

When your spirit feels exhausted and dry. . .
Remember Me.
Here I wait ---
With flowing living water,
To clear the murky view,
And quench your deepest thirst.

Give up on all the substitutes,
They fail every time.

Let go of all that ties you down;
Drop the reins of your control;
Get quiet. . .
to see where I can lead us,
one minute at a time.

In the past, My people left Me,
“the spring of living water,”
and “dug cisterns” of their own,
“broken cisterns that hold no water.”
(Jeremiah 2:13)

In your dry and thirsty land,
I am here;
I am Who you long for;
I am all you need.

See how close I am,
And share your life with Me.
-- Jesus

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


"Call unto me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know". Jeremiah 33:3 NIV

"Come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light". Matthew 11:28-30 NIV

My parents departed for their 50th wedding anniversary cruise three weeks ago. Since that time I have been able to email them, but not spoken with them on the phone. Albeit, we live on opposite coasts of the country I converse with them several times a week.

The phone rang and it was a call from my cousins and parents. My parents had disembarked the cruise ship for the day spending time with my dear cousins Craig and Sharon in New Zealand and called from their home. What a joy to hear the voice of my mother and father on the other line and converse with them. I told my dear mother that I felt like crying it was so good to hear her voice. Speaking with them for that short time was extremely special and heart warming and was just what I needed until the next time they reach shore.

If a conversation with another human being can bring so much joy and satisfaction how much joy and knowledge can be obtained conversing with the Lord?
As I hung up the phone from speaking with my parents I thought how thankful I was that I was home and available to take the call and didn't miss them before they went back to sea. It was at that moment that the Lord spoke to me and said, "Caroline, I am always here for your calls and love you all the time". What a welling of peace we have knowing that our Savior is accessible at any moment to hear the joys of our day, our struggles and our sorrows.


Lord, thank you for being our Abba. Thank you for loving us all the time and being available to teach us. I am sorry for the times that I have not given you the priority that You deserve or expressed my thankfulness and appreciation for all You have done and continue to do in my life. I love you Lord.


1. Have you spent time in prayer today conversing with your Heavenly Father? Are you making yourself available to Him for conversation?

2. As you review your life over the past few weeks/months have you been in communication with the Lord or do you relate more to being out at sea and not having an open line of communication? If it is the later I want to encourage you to disembark the ship you are currently sailing and come back to the land to be in relationship with the Lord.

3. Take time to read Matthew 6:5-14. Focus on verses 9-13 and read the Lord's prayer aloud.


Mark 11:22-24 Read the words of Jesus and claim them today!

*The photograph was taken on Saturday, February 16 of my Dad conversing with me on the phone and emailed to me by my cousin. I was able to view the photo on the computer while speaking with Dad!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I can't believe that someone gave me the Excellent Blog Award for this blog. I am honored. Thank you so much Jeni. To visit Jeni's blog and her post regarding her honorees please go to:

I am now passing it along to

Congratulations to you and pass on the award to another blogger that touches your heart with their posts.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


"The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in it's various forms".
I Peter 4:7-10

I am very weary physically today. After Aaron awoke from his nap I put the little ones in the car to drive over to drop off a gift for my dear friend Madeline. We weren't planning to stay, just drop off the Valentine's. She asked if I would bring the boys in for a short visit which is just what my soul needed.

Upon our entrance in to her home she offered the boys toys to play with and something to eat. They had a drink, graham cracker and then Liam asked for bread. Madeline, the loving and patient lady that she is not only said of course, but asked if he would like to have it toasted and topped with something. The boys didn't want to leave her home and we both noted their level of joy and comfort in her home. It is amazing how intuitive children are (mine are newly three and almost five).

Upon leaving I realized that I arrived to bless her with a gift and it was I who received the blessing. Madeline has a way of doing that.


Lord, as I go about my daily tasks please give me the wisdom to know when to reach out to others and take the time for them that is needed. Just as I was blessed by Madeline taking time out of her day for me and my sons may I in turn do the same for others.


1. Has someone ever called you or arrived at your door and you focus on what you feel you should be doing or were doing (I know that I have). Make a decision that today you will focus on spending your time with purpose on hospitality to others.

2. Is there someone that could be blessed by you calling them today to let them know you care?

3. Sometimes we feel that we can't open up our home to others as it may not be as elegant in design or spacious as others we have visited. God inhabits us and asks that we too will open our heart and home to others. People will be drawn to your love and openness not focusing on the things in the home, but rather your outpouring of love, graciousness and shining light of Christ.


Luke 19 - Read Luke 19 and focus on the response Zacchaeus gave to Jesus when told He was coming to his house. He didn't say, "It isn't clean Jesus", or, "I don't have any fresh food". He came down at once and welcomed him gladly (Luke 19:6 NIV).

Matthew 22:39

*Note photograph of me and Madeline was taken in December 2007*